There’s a Better Word for That

There’s a term we hear frequently as organizers, often intended as a compliment:

  • “You’re so OCD about _____.”

  • “I bet that makes your OCD go wild, right?”

  • “Oh, I’m really OCD about cleaning, too!”

OCD is the acronym for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and it is misused constantly to mean things like “perfectionist,” “exacting” or “hyper-focused.” Here’s why this usage is a no for me:

  • It’s not what you mean. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a “common, chronic, and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and/or behaviors (compulsions) that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over.” (Thank you, NIMH). It does not mean you like to clean or sort your candy. That’s a bizarre leap and could be hurtful.

  • It’s regularly used in a grammatically incorrect way. Spell out “You’re so OCD,” and you get “You’re so Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.” That’s like saying, “You’re so Flu Virus.” It doesn’t make sense.

  • The English language is full of complex, descriptive, and delicious adjectives that can more accurately describe what you’re trying to convey. Try these instead:

    • “You’re so thorough.”

    • “You have such exacting standards.”

    • “You’re being a huge pain and overly-particular about meaningless details right now.”

    • “That’s a pleasing Skittles rainbow grid you’ve made. May I have the orange ones?”

I get the same cringe hearing OCD used in place of more accurate words that I do when I hear someone use “Bipolar” to mean wishy-washy/mercurial or when I hear “Schizophrenic” used to signify that someone has changed his or her mind. These terms feel innocuous until you have a loved one who suffers from one of these challenges.

Are we perfectionists? Yes.

Do we like to sort our candy? Every time.

Will we re-fold your linens until they fit in your drawer just right? Absolutely.

Are our systems “OCD?” Only if you mean Organized, Curated, and Designed. But there’s probably a better adjective.


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